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Poster for BAAM’s Youth Open Stage: Summer Jams

BAAM’s Youth Open Stage: Summer Jams

Coming on June 13

Midnight weekend screenings happen on Friday & Saturday nights (meaning arrive on Friday and/or Saturday night by 11:45pm for seating, the movie starts after midnight)!

Run Time: 120 min.

Join us for the last Youth Open Stage of the school year on June 13th from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. The theme will be “Summer Jams”!
In a new policy, we have created a sign-up form so that performers can choose their talent or song in advance. This change is to encourage performers to practice before YOS begins. Can you sing your chosen song without the lyrics on the screen? That’s the goal!

The Sign-up form can be found through the following link: Open Stage Sign-Up Form


Bring an instrument, your dancing shoes, and your voice, or share a film you made. All talents and types of performance will be welcome. We encourage you to pick your creative piece and start practicing now. 


5:00 pm Open Practice Time
6:00 pm Performances


Youth Open Stage Policy Updates

  1. Each performer will be allowed to perform one time each month.
  2. We want you to practice! To encourage that, performers will be able to sign up for the next month’s Open Stage at the end of the night. That way you will already have your song chosen and can practice for next month!
  3. We encourage you to think outside of the box! Did you write a story or poem that you are proud of? Come read it at Open Stage. Did you create a video or film? Show it on the big screen. Did you learn a dance routine over the summer? Use the stage to show your skills. Did you teach yourself how to play guitar this summer? Let’s hear it!
  4. We will close each Open Stage with a group song. You can help us decide!


If you have any questions please contact Kate Webb, BAAM Program Director at

This program is made possible in part by support from Franklin Savings Bank. 

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